Wednesday, January 2, 2008


bak kata, 'berat sama dipikul, ringan sama dijinjing' ..

or something like that x-D ... sorry if i've written it wrongly ya..
just to share a few interesting links with all of u o~
may find it handy and useful de ;-)

1) Top Universities
a web where the ranking of universities is being displayed there... this web does sort the universities' rankings into a few categories too o... quite useful to me for future reference geh ^^
anyways, uni's ranking doesn't mean everything de o... =)

2) Inti Penang's Alumni Page
a place where experiences are being shared. helps in motivating me o ^^
hey mic !! where's URS ? can't wait for urs laaaaa !!!

3) ChuiSu Forum
hahaha, this was what i did in f2 and f3 !! a very very memorable place to me !
the beginning of the solid frenship between me and wei yuan took place there =)
symbolises 2TAC 2003 too o ^^ so fun to look back at what i posted when i was in the age of 14..
one of the example posts i made,
Re: Pragin,1-stop,BJ,Komtar or Gurney?
« Reply #12 on Nov 19, 2003, 12:08pm »
ya.....pragin got lot's of gansters......especially at the 5th floor.......but nth we can do,cuz nowdayz ppl like to go to pragin.....n talking about gurney.....class n good,but nth special n attractive there.......
« Last Edit: Nov 19, 2003, 12:10pm by demonhunter »

4) Wikipedia
the answer to 95% of questions. helped me a lot in my sem 1 assignments, so as my law assigments =D

5) SLR
my dream car !!!! x-D

1 comment:

Xinyi~BaByZzzXinyi said...

bie...a bit wu liao har???