Saturday, February 21, 2009

20th Feb

As usual, woke up late (gonna change ler since sch's starting next week >.- )

went to college to walk walk ...

then went to GO to discuss stuffs..

what surprised me was actually evonne's skill in persuading Miss Ng.. o,O ..

most of the time Mike, Theru and I had to persuade like hell only we can even shake her heart..

but that evonne.. o,O ..

maybe she's right..
we havta understand our boss ...
and she's that kind of person that needs to be Tam-ed ..
need to go soft with her..
and she will go soft on you...

'respect the person and the person shall respect you.'

that's what I believe lor...
haha.. however I can feel that most of the people don't like to work under her..
cuz she's too..................................................
u'll know if u have a chance to work with her... lolz xD...
and i'll pray for you if u do...
this actually explains the amount of seniors that will be joining back the camp =x...
she actually reminds me of Mr Mak, my previous teacher advisor of KRS back in CLHS time
I believe that they can be very good fren if they know each other =D

after that tu si work work work..
then that notty Baby Gal came and visited me..
nande we both share the same taste..
that watch that I feel nice she also felt very nice .. *winkzzz* =D

after that ...
the climax of the day begins ~!!!

we watched the movie 'Eden Lake' ...
lolz... !
don't fall into the nice name of this movie..
sounds like a Romantic Movie huh ?

let me tell you..
you're totally WRONG WRONG WRONGGGG !!!

this movie...
1 word to describe... SWEAT ... till SWEAT..

anyways, its a good horror movie lor..
really tension and scary..
shot in 6 weeks in limited budget.. good job ~!

advice : don't watch this movie straight after your meal
unless you wanna practice Aneroksia Nervosa ~ xD

after this..
gaming time ~!
sim's asleep i guess..
so I'll be playing alone lor 2nite =/..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sigh....i want to watch movie at here also have to think twice...