I was handed a part time job ~
by Alpha Event Planner !!!
the Company that dealt with our Prom Night 07, as well as recent Moonlight Party aka Inti HouseWarming Party.
what kind of job ?
MC for a wedding dinner !!!! waaaaaa !!!
It is a wedding dinner at Evergreen Hotel ,between a German guy and a local Chinese lady
just have to be there for about 2 to 3 hours, and just appear on the stage, then talk for not more than 20 minutes, and my job is done, with a quite ok mia pay o,O !!!
anyways, I see this as a golden opportunity for me to brush up my soft skills than earning money o..
Miss Ng, our DSA officer fully agrees with this point, saying that I should treasure this chance, to learn as much as I can in improving my communication skill.
Never thought that I will be the MC for a wedding dinner ...seriously never..
Wah lueee ehhh... People mia 'once in a lifetime' event, on my hands o,O
smr watched 27 Dresses with baby on Friday, which tells us that wedding is very very important
Thanks a lot Miss Ng !! Thanks a lot Miss Sabrina !!!!
for this golden opportunity for me to learn and improve myself !!!
thanks thanks thanks !!!
hope to learn as much as I can from Alpha Event o ~
I may not be a good speaker today, but at least I am willing to learn, from bottom ...
and hope that some day, I will be a good one.