whereas 14th March, last Friday was the day most of the students had their final academic day there.
This Monday onwards,we will be moving to the new building situated along the road.
Guess I am one of the few who regularly took pictures throughout the whole construction process of the new building.
Seriously we have to hail IJM, the constructor of the new building.
Why ? The pictures below tell, I've sorted them from the earliest to the latest.
23.4.2007 Ignore the basketball court, look at the FLAT LAND behind at that time.
3.8.2007 er, ignore me, the keh leh feh xD,
this picture was taken during SOBA Teambuilding on August
this picture was taken during SOBA Teambuilding on August
28.8.2007, the wind was very strong that day, look at the cloud o,O
12.10.2007, photo shooting day with Li Qian
It was also a week after Prom 2007 =)
It was also a week after Prom 2007 =)
I was quite busy on December 2007, plus that time was semester holiday, therefore tarak photos as I din visit the college o.
Anyways, look at how fast the people were, worked 24 hours non stop, two 12-hours-shifts
per day.
That whole construction of the new building witnessed how me and baby's relationship growth de =)
1 thing ...
THose pics are precious !!!!!!!!!!
from a flat land ...
2 a new inti building !!
wow ...
yeaaaa ~
can sell to Inti Penang for a high price~
make money =P
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